Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Aruba Wifi - Troubleshooting commands

Troubleshooting steps

1. Identify the affected client mac address and enable debug as below

(config)#logging level debugging user-debug <mac>

2. Run below command to get debug logs 

 #show debug 

logging level debugging network process dhcpd subcat dhcp - DHCP logs
show log network all

3. To get the name of the AP in which client is connected 

 #show user-table | include <mac>

4. Below commands to get client activities 

#show log user-debug all | include <mac>
#show auth-tracebuf | include <mac>
#show ap remote debug mgmt-frames ap-name <ap-name> | include <mac>
#show ap client trail-info 

5. To find interference in the environment

 #show ap monitor ap-list ap-name <ap-name>

6. Refer below link to troubleshoot packet 


7. To check AP uptime, serial no , Model

#show ap database sort-by uptime
#show ap database group <name>
#show ap details advanced ap-name <name> | include Serial
#show ap details advanced ap-name <name>

8. AP debug

#show ap debug system-status ap-name SDL1A-IDF209-WAP07
#Show ap debug counters


Paloalto - Auto commit failure after upgrade

Issue: Auto commit was keep failing after upgrade Error logs admin@paloalto> show jobs all Enqueued              Dequeued           ID  ...